European Backpacking 1.0 : München

Reblogging an experience penned down by the fellow backpacker, when we started our journey from Munich in June, 2014!

Scribble Magic

When you are young, you are scared. Scared of what the future holds in store for you. You start doing damage control in the present, under the cloak of that fear. In a hope that the future is better, the future is rosier, we make the roses of the present wither under these thorns.

One year of lacklustre work, that was paying me grand, but leading me nowhere, helped me have the best 3 weeks of my life. All I needed was, some hope, a lot of courage and a childhood friend to help me take the plunge.
P.S: I quit my job 2 days after coming back. That story, and plenty more, in the posts that follow.

“After all, we all live for the stories”

The Bavarian countryside The Bavarian countryside

This story is from the Bavarian city of Munich. These people do not like calling themselves German. Do not speak a…

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About cheecub

A traveller, athlete, a foodie, once upon a time a mountaineer, now a randanneour!
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